George Orwell in his classic 1984 once famously said that the future of the human race under totalitarianism would be a “boot stomping on a human face, forever.” Although like most dystopian classics, Orwell saw with a certain amount of…
A Happy Year of Grace 2021 to all readers and friends of the blog Scutum et Lorica! I am very blessed to be here. One of the top pieces of advice given to bloggers when they begin their output, which…
St. Paul, in his first letter to Timothy, exhorts deacons not to be “double-tongued”, a wonderfully literal and rich translation of the word dialogos. Writing as he is in the context of the qualifications he expects in those in ministry,…
This week had me thinking of an anecdote from the life of St. Alphonsus Liguori, when he was riding to take possession of his bishopric, Sant’Agata de’ Goti. Faced with the immensity of the task (then, as now) of governing…
With November being right around the corner, many Dioceses and Parishes are turning their attention to the upcoming holidays. Coupled with what seems to be a resurgence in the Coronavirus in most of the world, I think it is quite…
September was a busy month, in terms of cultural and political news. We had the death of Ruth Bader-Ginsberg and then the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, which is all but assured to end with her…
The 14th of September marks the beginning of Liturgical Autumn in the Roman Calendar, with the Feast of the Exultation/Triumph of the Holy Cross. This feast was established in the 4th century, but also commemorates the 7th century victory over…
There is an old saying which is as certain in its meaning as it is uncertain in its origins: “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” Destruction is preceded by delusion. This idea, which is rooted in…
In the spring of 2010, I remember driving my car around town on errands. I often listen to the radio, so that I can know what songs and artists are most popular, and what people are hearing. It has proven…
Cyber espionage, as much as cyber imbecility, has been in the news frequently in recent years. Most recently was the revelation that the Vatican was hacked by the Chinese Government, which is yet another reason to argue that the whole…