Although the claim may be somewhat exaggerated, it is clear that the phenomenon known of globalization has been under strain in recent years. With the exception of major crises like the World Wars and the Great Depression, for the most…
Christ’s Descent Into Limbo, Albrecht Duhrer. The mystery of Holy Saturday, an essential piece of the drama of the Paschal Mystery, is a theological and spiritual black box for so many devout persons. It is unfortunate that so much discussion…
The human experience of loneliness is, without a doubt, one of the most universal and distressing aspects of our life in this ‘vale of tears’. For the creature to whom God said it was not good to be alone, we…
And all shall be well and / All manner of thing shall be well / When the tongues of flame are in-folded / Into the crowned knot of fire / And the fire and the rose are one. – T.S.…
Dear Readers: Happy Super Bowl Sunday to my American Readers. If you like Football, I hope ‘your team’ wins. If you don’t, I hope you at least enjoy the commercials. If you can’t be bothered either way, I hope you…
If any one is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if any one slays with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is the endurance and faith of the saints. (Revelation 13:10) The Sacred Scriptures…
A few weeks ago I was talking to a rather intelligent canonist with a tendency for making very blunt statements. It’s one reason out of many that I love him. We pass each other a lot of books and articles,…
Although he may be a controversial figure to quote, Dr. Jordan Peterson once said something about Artificial Intelligence (AI) which I found extremely insightful. He claimed that Artificial Intelligence was precisely what we would expect from the apogee of a…
Greek Mythology has long been revered for its psychological profundity. It reveals and speaks to our most deep-seated aspirations and fears. When I was growing up, a revered English Professor, close to retirement and at the apogee of his career,…
For many years, I have had an enduring affection for Marian Feasts. I have written in past years regarding this period of time sometimes referred to as “Our Lady’s Pasch”, when we liturgically commemorate the ‘Passover’ of Our Lady from…